Terrell Edmunds credits family, teammates for pushing him

Growing up in a talented home was a tough task. Having three athletes living under the same roof … there were always competitions between my brothers Trey and Tremaine, and myself. We competed week in and week out to see who could have the most fun on the field, court or the track. From racing, to playing one-on-one basketball, to even seeing who could bring home the best grades from school, these are only a few examples of how we pushed each other to be the best versions of ourselves at any task presented throughout our lives.

I’ve always been told that I had middle-child syndrome. In fact, I was given the nickname the ‘me, too’ baby growing up since I was bound and determined to do anything Trey did first. Always trying to follow my older brother’s example throughout middle school, I felt in high school it was time to figure out what mark I wanted to leave on the world. It was time for me to grow from being the kid who played in the dirt and tried to discover new wildlife in his backyard to a man on a mission.

In high school, I realized I had a passion for sports, and if I remained determined and dedicated, it could open the door to many opportunities. Having an older brother who was heavily recruited helped Tremaine and I get exposure that many people don’t get to experience. Even with the extra help, not many schools were open to giving me an opportunity. Being labeled as too small and lacking a solidified position were a few things hindering me from being a highly recruited player. My family always had faith in what I was capable of. They are the reason why I stayed confident despite the recruiting outcome. They are the reason that I never gave up on myself and what I knew I could become.

After constantly training my body to become more durable and physically fit for the next level, I soon received my first offer from the University of Cincinnati. I was grateful for the offer, but I was not satisfied. My dream opportunity was to be able to play with my older brother, who had already committed to Virginia Tech. And after several visits of watching Trey play, I knew I loved the Virginia Tech football team. The demeanor, tradition, and coaching staff had always intrigued me.

Later, I picked up three other offers and thankfully one of them was from Virginia Tech. The coaches finally called and offered me a scholarship. To know that I had accomplished my dream of playing with my older brother and possibly having the opportunity to play with my younger brother (who was already offered a scholarship at Virginia Tech) filled my body with excitement. I knew this meant I had the opportunity to prove to everybody who doubted me that I was capable of more than they credited me.

Within a short period of time, I was surrounded by some of the best athletes I had ever met. Looking up to guys like Kyshoen Jarrett, Kendall Fuller, Chuck Clark … I knew I had to develop and learn quickly because I had major shoes to fill. As a freshman, my roommates and I were on a mission to bring a spark to the Virginia Tech culture. My roommates were Isaiah Ford, Cam Phillips, C.J. Reavis, Ricky Walker and Greg Stroman. We were six men on a mission to contribute the best way that we could to the Virginia Tech football program. Being constantly surrounded by people with the same mindset as I had allowed me to grow and excel even faster.

Playing at Virginia Tech has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. The connections, the coaches and the teammates are just a few of the reasons why I feel truly blessed. Hokie Nation has been great to me, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of this season has in store and what mark I can leave on the future players of the Virginia Tech football team.

Terrell Edmunds

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