Andrea Sawchuk

  • Andrea
  • Sawchuk

  • Event
  • Class
  • Hometown
    Great Falls, Va.

2011-12: Posted 10th-place finishes in both events in the dual meet against Georgia Tech and Miami ... Took eighth in the 1-meter and sixth in the 3-meter events against Virginia...Finished in the top-20 at the Yellow Jacket Invitational, finishing 18th in the platform ... Finished eighth in the 3-meter and ninth in the 1-meter at Ohio State ... Recorded a 10th-place finish in the 1-meter with a score of 202.50 in the quad meet against Duke, Florida State and UNC Wilmington ... Placed eighth in the 3-meter and ninth in the 1-meter against North Carolina.

2010-11: Finished eighth on the platform, 12th on the 3-meter and 13th on the 1-meter at the Volunteer Invitational.

2009-10: Earned an 11th-place finish in the platform event at the Zone A Diving Championships…Placed 16th in the platform event at the ACC Championships…Earned season-best finishes in the one-meter against Davidson and in the three-meter against Kentucky.

2008-09: Placed seventh in the platform diving at the Volunteer Invitational, ninth in the three-meter and 10th in the one-meter.

High School: Competed at Langley High School … Placed in the top-13 in both the one-meter and three-meter dive events … Competed at 2008 AAU Championships … A member of the Russian Honor Society.

Personal: Andrea Sawchuk was born on October 26, 1990, in Arlington, Va. … Daughter of William and Maureen Sawchuk … Majoring in hospitality and tourism management with a minor in Russian.

Sawchuk's Career Best
1-Meter: 252.53 Platform: 196.80
3-Meter: 275.65