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1 7 F O O T B A L L ME D I A G U I D E
These former Hokies either are/were members
of a National Football League team or a
United States Football League (USFL) team,
appearing in at least one game, or dressing on
the active roster for a majority of the year, with
the listed squad:
(The players in
active as of June 2, 2017)
Xavier Adibi . . . . . . Tennessee Titans
Minnesota Vikings
Houston Texans
James Anderson . . . . . Atlanta Falcons
Tennessee Titans
Chicago Bears
Carolina Panthers
Antonio Banks . . . . . Minnesota Vikings
Ken Barefoot . . . . Washington Redskins
Woody Baron . . . . Dallas Cowboys
Chad Beasley . . . . . .Cleveland Browns
Tom Beasley . . . . .Washington Redskins
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nick Becton . . . . . . . Chicago Bears
New Orleans Saints
San Diego Chargers
Cory Bird . . . . . . . Indianapolis Colts
Andy Bowling . . . . . . . Atlanta Falcons
Jarrett Boykin . . . . . . . . Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Green Bay Packers
Gene Breen . . . . . . Los Angeles Rams
Green Bay Packers
Pittsburgh Steelers
Cornell Brown . . . . . Baltimore Ravens
Duane Brown . . . . . Houston Texans
Ken Brown . . . . . . . Denver Broncos
Robert Brown . . . . . Green Bay Packers
Roger Brown . . . . New England Patriots
New York Giants
Phil Bryant . . . . . . Philadelphia Eagles
Buffalo Bills
Kansas City Chiefs
John Burke . . . . . .San Diego Chargers
New York Jets
New England Patriots
Rashad Carmichael . . .Philadelphia Eagles
Houston Texans
Keion Carpenter . . . . . . Atlanta Falcons
Buffalo Bills
Al Chamblee . . . . Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Kam Chancellor . . Seattle Seahawks
Ike Charlton . . . . . . . New York Giants
Jacksonville Jaguars
Seattle Seahawks
Eugene Chung . . . . . Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars
New England Patriots
Chuck Clark . . . . Baltimore Ravens
David Clowney . . . . . Carolina Panthers
New York Jets
Billy Conaty . . . . . . . Dallas Cowboys
Buffalo Bills
John Cowne . . . . .Washington Redskins
Ray Crittenden . . . . San Diego Chargers
New England Patriots
Carroll Dale . . . . . . Minnesota Vikings
Green Bay Packers
Los Angeles Rams
André Davis . . . . . . . Houston Texans
Buffalo Bills
New England Patriots
Cleveland Browns
Anthony Davis . . . . . . St. Louis Rams
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Jim Davis . . . . . . . Jacksonville Jaguars
Gennaro DiNapoli . . . . Dallas Cowboys
Tennessee Titans
Oakland Raiders
Tyronne Drakeford . . Washington Redskins
New Orleans Saints
San Francisco 49ers
Jim Druckenmiller . . . San Francisco 49ers
Doug Easlick . . . . . . . Miami Dolphins
Trey Edmunds . . .New Orleans Saints
Ken Ekanem . . . . . Denver Broncos
Bill Ellenbogen . . . . . . New York Giants
Chris Ellis . . . . . . . . . . Buffalo Bills
John Engelberger . . . . . Denver Broncos
San Francisco 49ers
Darren Evans . . . . . . Tennessee Titans
Indianapolis Colts
Antone Exum, Jr. . . Minnesota Vikings
Mike Faulkner . . . . . . . New York Jets
Mickey Fitzgerald . . . . . New York Giants
Atlanta Falcons
Brandon Flowers . . . Los Angeles Chargers
Kansas City Chiefs
Antonio Freeman . . . . Green Bay Packers
Philadelphia Eagles
Isaiah Ford . . . . . . Miami Dolphins
Brandon Frye . . . . . . Seattle Seahawks
Miami Dolphins
Corey Fuller . . . . . . . New Orleans
Detroit Lions
Kendall Fuller . . Washington Redskins
Kyle Fuller . . . . . . Chicago Bears